Silent Night? Yeah Right! Tips For Dealing With Snoring
An excellent night of sleep can be achieved, but you must know how to begin in order to eliminate your snoring. Find the information you need in this article to stop your snoring in its tracks and sleep well again.
Keep your weight down to avoid snoring. Although excessive weight doesn’t necessarily cause you to snore more, extra fat around your neck can put additional pressure on the airways, which causes snoring. If you have gained weight and noticed that you are snoring a lot more, losing those extra pounds may help you.
Ironically, by taking sleeping pills, you could end up snoring. Therefore, if you do not take them, you will greatly reduce the risk of snoring. Your muscles do relax when you take sleeping pills. The muscles that keep your nasal passage open will lose their ability to do that, leading to a narrower nasal passage. This will cause you to snore in your sleep.
Avoid using illegal drugs. They can cause you to snore, let alone the other health hazards they create. Marijuana can affect you the same way legal prescription medications do; it relaxes you. Pain killers do the same thing to your body. Being fully relaxed feels great when you’re conscious, but it’s not so good when you’re snoring in your sleep.
Keep your head in an elevated position while sleeping to help lessen your snoring. Try using a pillow that’s extra thick. Also, you can use two or three pillows. This forces your head into an upright position. As a result, your airways will open up and you will snore less.
Check with your pharmacist about anti-snoring medications that are available over-the-counter. Prescription remedies are also available, but they typically cost more than the over-the-counter options. Snoring remedies generally reduce swelling, and address other issues that might cause a narrowing of your airways.
Dairy Products
Dairy products can cause snoring, even in those who do not suffer from lactose intolerance. The reason is that dairy products contributes to the build-up of phlegm, which results in the obstruction of your airway in your throat and in your nose. Instead of drinking warm milk at night, try warm tea and see whether that helps to reduce snoring.
A simple item like a tennis ball can be used to minimize snoring. Attach the ball to your sleep clothes right before going to bed. While sleeping, you’ll naturally be on your side so that you won’t feel this ball crushing your back. Side-sleeping significantly reduces snoring.
Avoid back sleeping, if you want to stop snoring. If you are having a hard time staying off your back, tie or attach a tennis ball to the backside of your shirt. If you roll over on your back, you’ll be uncomfortable and won’t want to stay there.
Since your family and friends want you to live a long and healthy life, it’s important to properly care for your health. Treating your snoring is something that can actually prevent suffering from disease, so dealing with it is more than worth it, especially if you consider how simply it can be done. Good luck!