Read This To Keep From Snoring When You Sleep
Snoring is a sensitive subject and can be difficult for people to discuss with others. It can be difficult to seek out the information you need to treat your condition, when you’re too shy to bring it up in conversation. Yet, you can use the advice from this article to help you on your way towards getting rid of your snoring while you sleep.
To keep yourself from snoring, try changing your sleeping position. Snoring often happens when people are sleeping on their backs. Since gravity pulls your head down it can cause your throat to close a little. Sleeping on the side is easier, less straining on the neck, and it reduces snoring.
Keep your weight down to avoid snoring. Body weight may not always exacerbate snoring; however, if there is extra fat within the neck area, your airways could be constricted and this does lead to snoring. If your snoring got worse when you packed on the pounds, you know what you have to do now.
In order to keep yourself from snoring, stay hydrated. Dehydration causes thicker, more problematic mucosal secretions, which then compromise the airways and makes you more prone to snoring. Shoot for at least ten cups of water each day, or other drinks without caffeine to lessen the chances of you snoring.
Stay away from drugs that are illegal. Illegal drugs can contribute significantly to your snoring issues. Most drugs, including marijuana, tend to cause your body to relax. Pain killers do this too. Being fully relaxed feels great when you’re conscious, but it’s not so good when you’re snoring in your sleep.
Many prescription medicines can cause snoring, discuss if this is happening to you with your doctor. Some medications will cause snoring as a side effect. Medications that are intended to relax the muscles, such as sleeping pills, pain killers, antihistamines and muscle relaxants, loosen the throat muscles constricting the airway. When your airways are restricted, snoring can occur.
Overweight individuals, including those with excess neck fat, are more likely to snore. Those who are overweight have excessive fatty tissue that surrounds their windpipes, which doesn’t help. Take weight loss into consideration if your weight might be a cause. You will, of course, look good and feel great. You’ll likely also stop snoring, as well.
To help minimize your snoring, make sure you get good quality exercise. Exercising helps you breathe more evenly, which can reduce snoring in some people. Exercise not only helps to keep your respiratory system in good working order, but also is a wonderful stress reducer. Lots of stress can affect your breathing issues and can increase the chance that you’ll snore.
People who snore should abstain from alcohol. You will also want to avoid any kind of tranquilizer or antihistamine before you sleep. These substances all work by relaxing your muscles, and in your throat this can lead to restricted air passageways and increased snoring.
Tennis Ball
The home remedy “tennis ball cure” is something many supposedly former snorers swear by. This interesting cure involves placing a tennis ball inside a sock and proceeding to pin it on your back at night. This provides a physical reminder that you should only sleep on your stomach or side. Eventually, you’ll become accustomed to lying on your side while sleeping, at which point you can discontinue using the tennis ball.
Though many people may feel embarrassed about snoring, it is a problem that needs to be discussed. Who knows? Maybe now that you are a snore-stopping expert you will want to share your good experiences with others! This could be good for you and those around you.