Advice To Keep You From Snoring At Night
Snoring affects many people, even those who do not snore. The problem is double-edged. Snoring affects the person directly, as well as any person who sleeps in the same room. Snoring can affect marriages. It is frustrating for the spouse of a snorer who is unable to get a good rest, and it is difficult on the one snoring also. These tips will help you both to get a good night’s rest.
Throat Muscles
It might seem ridiculous, but singing might cure you of snoring. It works because singing uses and strengthens the throat muscles. Having strong throat muscles will reduce the chances that you’ll snore. Playing a brass or woodwind instrument, like the flute, can also help to strengthen throat muscles.
Raise your head with pillows to soften your snoring. A thick pillow will support your head allowing your air passages to remain open. If one pillow isn’t enough, use two! With your head in this elevated position, you’ll be able to breathe better, which can diminish or eliminate your snoring.
Ask your doctor if the medications you are taking can cause snoring. Many medications can cause you to snore. There are several types which can relax your muscles. This just might result in a restricted airway. These restricted airways can cause snoring.
Sleep on your side to help prevent snoring. Sleeping on your back increases the likelihood of snoring. Stomach-sleeping is bad for both your neck and your back. Studies have shown that side-sleeping will help eliminate snoring.
Losing weight will often reduce your snoring. Having extra weight around your neck can put an increased amount of pressure on the airways. This means that you have a higher chance of your airways collapsing slightly while you are sleeping. You can see decreased snoring by just losing a few pounds.
Tennis Ball
There are several things that can be done inexpensively to help remedy your snoring. One such thing involves a common tennis ball. Before going to bed, put the tennis ball onto the back of the clothes that you wear to bed. Each time you roll over onto your back, the ball will prompt you to switch back to your side. By sleeping on one of your sides, you can drastically decrease snoring.
As noted above, snoring affects a great many people. Snoring interrupts the snorer from his sleep, but it also affects people living in the same house. Use the information in this article to help you find ways to cope with snoring and begin to sleep soundly again.