Advice For Dealing With Your Snoring Problem
Are you looking for ways to reduce or even stop your snoring? If you want to nip your snoring in the bud, this article will give you some options that may help you do just that.
Ironically, sleeping pills can cause you to snore, while not taking them will reduce your tendency to snore. Sleeping pills work by helping your muscles relax. Muscles that hold your nasal airways open will relax, causing them to slacken. This can lead to snoring.
Making goofy “fish faces” may help reduce snoring. It sounds funny, but making these faces will strengthen throat and facial muscles. Just keep your mouth closed and suck your cheeks in. Move your lips like a fish. Perform these exercises a few times each day.
Prop your head up so you can sleep easily instead of snoring. A thick, firm pillow offers extra support for your head and neck. Another option is to sleep on two pillows instead of one. This puts your head at a more natural angle, which keeps air flowing through your nasal passages and reduces snoring.
If you suffer from congestion due to allergies or other issues, you are much more likely to snore while sleeping. When you are congested, your nasal passages will become constricted, blocking airflow and causing you to snore. A solution is to take a decongestant before you go to bed in order to get some restful sleep at night.
Nasal Strips
Nasal strips offer an excellent alternative to snoring. They have the same general appearance as a Band-Aid. However, nasal strips and Band-Aids are quite different. Nasal strips actually open your nasal passages. This makes breathing through your nose easier, and that makes it less likely that you will snore.
Replace your pillow with a firmer one to reduce your snoring. Soft pillows can relax the throat muscles, which narrow the air passages. Snoring will occur if you cannot breathe properly. Having a firm pillow will help to open your passageways and keep them that way.
Cutting down on your smoking is a great way to minimize your snoring. If you find it impossible to stop smoking, then at least cut it off in the hours that precede sleep. Smoking causes your throat to swell, leading to a restricted airway. Constricted airways lead to more snoring, and quitting smoking can stop this problem from occurring in the first place.
With any luck this article gave you the information you need to quit snoring, and get a peaceful night’s sleep. Make sure to put these ideas to work for you, and look for a decrease in your snoring.