Advice And Tips For Coping With Snoring
Many snorers don’t even know they are making a sound. In fact, you might never know about your snoring until another person informs you. Snoring is not only embarrassing but also a potential indicator of internal issues. This article will provide helpful tips on dealing with snoring.
If you want to stop snoring, try to determine what is making you snore. Sometimes snoring is the result of a larger, more significant medical problem, and trying to treat the snoring without addressing the core issue will not get rid of it. It could actually end up making things worse.
Keeping your body weight under control can help to minimize snoring. The weight of the body does not always affect snoring, but extra fat around the neck area can lead to more pressure on the airway, resulting in snoring. If you have noticed a correlation between weight gain and increased snoring, then losing the weight will be of use to you.
Throat Muscles
Though it may sound strange, singing may actually cure snoring. When you sing, you use throat muscles and over time they get stronger. Once your throat muscles are strong, the chances that you will snore will be less. Playing a wind or reed instrument can also build your throat muscles.
Taking sleeping pills can actually increase the amount of snoring you do, so not taking them might actually help reduce the amount you snore. One major effect that sleeping pills have is to relax muscles throughout your body. The one that keeps your nasal passage wide open also sags, enabling the passages to be narrow. The outcome of this is that you end up snoring.
Making “fish faces” can help to eliminate snoring. Repeatedly making these faces can make your throat and facial muscles stronger. Simply close your mouth and suck your cheeks in. Pucker up like a fish! This should be done a few times daily.
Make sure your nose is clear and open to help prevent snoring. If your nose is blocked or constricted, it will increase the chance of snoring. If you are suffering from a cold, try using a vapor rub, humidifier or a neti pot to clear the blockage in your nose. Nasal strips will also work; they keep the nose open to let more air pass through it.
Consume plenty of liquids if you want to reduce or eliminate snoring. If you get dehydrated, the secretions that are in your nasal pathways will get sticky and thick, and that will cause them to clog up your airways easily, which leads to snoring. Drink at least 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of your body weight, to ensure you stave off dehydration and avoid snoring.
Overweight people are more likely to snore due to the excess fat in their neck area. Those who are overweight have excessive fatty tissue that surrounds their windpipes, which doesn’t help. If you are currently overweight, consider dropping a few pounds. You will feel better and look better, and there is a good chance you will sleep better too.
A good way to limit snoring is to go to a pharmacy and have the pharmacist recommend an OTC remedy designed to address snoring. There are also prescription remedies, but if you can get an over-the-counter medicine to work, then you won’t have to pay as much. These types of medicines decrease swelling, and other things which lower the ability of air passages.
Try eating a couple of spoons of honey prior to bed. While it is not known why this is effective, many people claim that it works to reduce the occurrence of snoring. However, honey as always been a very useful ingredient in a lot of home remedies.
Many people, as stated above, are unaware that they snore unless someone alerts them to this fact. If you discover that you snore, you might feel embarrassed and it might lead to complications if it is a result of health problems. Use this article’s advice to stop snoring sooner.